Whale, whale, whale... what do we have here?

The Adventures of Gilbert
Here at Southwest Geo, we have a little office tradition. The fish.
It all began with a gift. Our good friends at Wright Engineers gave us our first blue fish when we opened in 2014. The idea behind the gift was similar to that of the Seattle Fish market. We were told to toss the fish from person to person around the office and we humbly obliged. Over time, It evolved into a game of office hide and seek. Now, people who receive the fish (or find the fish hiding in their desk) are told “With Great Power comes Great Responsibility" and it's now their responsibility to hide the fish. The fish has found his way into coffee mugs, purses, refrigerators, jackets, desk drawers and more. But lately, he's taken on a new role in the office.
Our blue fish Gilbert has graduated from being stuffed into drawers and hidden under desks to traveling the world. The team here at Southwest Geo has made it a tradition to take him on vacations and take family photos with him. He has been photographed from coast to coast and is looking forward to trips to other parts of the country. Gilbert has been to Canada, Mexico, and even Singapore. So far, he has found a city named after him (Gilbert, Arizona), splashed around in Hawaii, and has been seen mingling with Mike Trout (Angels baseball) and had his photo taken with Gene Simmons of KISS.
We've dedicated this page to show all of Gilbert's adventures, as well as our colleagues adventures, and show everyone just how great it is to be a part of a company willing to toss around a plastic fish just because we can.
Want to become a part of this crazy, fish hiding culture? Apply here